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Expert Attention to Your Risks

Risk Management Outsourcing

Outsourcing your risk management department to CORE provides a number of benefits, including the potential to reduce personnel expenses. Depending on the size and complexity of your organization, your need for risk management may not be full time, and the cost of employing an in-house risk management professional today amounts to between $115,000 and $300,000 a year.

Executive-level expertise

CORE Risk Services is a risk management team with the experience and knowledge that would normally command executive compensation in the corporate world. When you work with us, you acquire the knowledge and expertise to create a competitive advantage in your cost structure and a difference in your competitive performance — with costs at or below the local area market.

Flexibility to meet your needs

CORE’s bench strength is flexible. We can provide team members to help you with increased needs in staffing and our clients find us to be an invaluable resource for special projects such as acquisitions, divestitures and construction, to name a few — freeing up time for your risk management team to continue to perform their normal functions.

And because CORE is a team of risk managers, we can provide organizational depth and eliminate a single point of failure within your management team.

A collaborative, service-minded approach

We work with numerous brokerage firms regionally and understand how insurance placements are completed. Detail oriented, we can work with your agent to ensure that the marketing, documentation and implementation of your insurance program’s design is successful.