Preserve Your Financial Resources. Protect the People You Serve.

No business is without risk

Business can be unpredictable, but understanding how to manage business risks can help provide a level of stability that many organizations find difficult to maintain. At CORE Risk Services, our risk identification process examines all the aspects of your operations to help you uncover and understand your exposures to risk. Whether you need to outsource your enterprise risk management program or support your internal risk management team, our approach to managing risk is designed to control costs so you can move on your future goals.

The difference between risk management and insurance buying

The importance of risk identification goes far beyond just making the right choices about what insurance to buy. The key is to decide which risks you choose to transfer, assume, or avoid, ultimately driving down the overall costs of insurance across your operations. We know from experience that for risk exposures to have the lowest dollar impact, you must look at every piece of the whole picture of your organization. This is where we, as consultants, begin to deliver value.

Risk avoidance begins with risk awareness

For nearly 30 years, we’ve assisted national and international companies and organizations in focusing on something that is very difficult to see and acknowledge: their vulnerabilities. We examine their operations with highly trained eyes — performing risk management audits that document the exposures they are aware of and identifying risks they haven’t considered.

The need for risk management

Our work gives our clients added confidence to move forward on their goals and face the inevitable uncertainties of doing business in local and global economies. They trust us to work across every vertical and at every level of their organizations, evaluating some of their most sensitive information. For our clients, we help reduce volatility in insurance and claims costs by ensuring the proper levels at which risk is transferred, and we come up with creative insurance structures to mitigate future cost increases.

What to expect

Along the way, we develop great working relationships with the employees, contractors and vendors who are key to your business, driving efficiencies in communication and information sharing that strengthen your ability to respond to claims, manage relationships and mitigate losses if and when they occur. We want what you want: no surprises and the assurance that you are controlling the total cost of risk.