JoAnn Fields

Claims Adjuster

Like many people, before I started working in risk management I didn’t see everything that it encompassed. Now I see it as an important tool for every business to have in their chest. When you look at all the small details that go into the big picture of how organizations operate and interact you can make powerful decisions that keep them ahead of potential risks.

I approach risk management and claims adjusting as a puzzle that I’ve been tasked with putting together. Each piece provides a detail about the claim, and as each claim progresses, the way it needs to be handled can change. I tap into my attention to detail to achieve my goal of treating each claimant fairly with respect and ensure the efficient handling of claims for both claimants and insurance providers.

The Art of Unplugging

Our family owns a farm and we love spending time there together. I also like to explore nearby spots — checking out antique markets, vintage craft shows, unique new eateries and distilleries — and far, spending vacations in the sun and enjoying the great outdoors.

Industry experience

  • Telecommunications
  • Law
  • Marketing
  • Hospitality

Regional experience

  • Central and Southeastern Indiana
  • Southwest Ohio